Ukrsotsbank is Leader of Autoloans for Individuals
OREANDA-NEWS. PJSC “Ukrsotsbank”, which operates under the UniCredit Bank trade mark, has gained the first position in “Leaders of autoloan market” rating according to the version of financial portal.
According to the financial portal data PJSC “Ukrsotsbank”, UniCredit Bank™, got ahead the leaders of the year 2012, within last 8 months of current year, gaining the biggest autoloan market share that amounted to almost 18%. Bank managed to save top position among numerous competitors as well as to improve it to leader position of the mentioned segment as the result of simple terms of crediting and loyalty of the bank's clients.
“Bank is constantly working on development and implementation of new special offers for covering the needs of clients of different segments as also to propose them one of the most advantageous conditions on purchase of vehicles at local market. Every year financial institution presents wide range of unique offers to mainstream audience, both independently and in cooperation with leading car dealers of Ukraine. The cooperation with such auto dealers as “Vidi”, “AutoCity”, “Winner Imports Ukraine”, “UKRAUTO” Corporation, “AWT Bavaria”, “Subaru Ukraine”, “Mazda Ukraine”, “Honda Ukraine”, “Italauto Ukraine” provides PJSC “Ukrsotsbank” with a possibility to establish a rate at the level from 0,01% with advanced payment from 0%”, - Valeriya Malakhova, Head of Sales Department in PJSC “Ukrsotsbank”, UniCredit Bank™, noted.
It is worth mentioning, that PJSC “Ukrsotsbank”, as the leading player of car loans market not only focuses its attention on banking market of autoloans, but also expends circle of its activity in this sector. Traditionally, financial institution becomes a partner of different automotive events of Ukraine. The last one wasn't an exception - at the start of autumn season Bank supported two famous automotive shows - “Honda Fun” festival and anniversary “Stolichnoe Avtoshow-2013”.