Cloud Marketplace for Companies Is now Opened
OREANDA-NEWS. The Enterprise Marketplace, which features cloud solutions for Deutsche Telekom’s corporate customers, is now open. Using the Enterprise Marketplace, companies can now order hardware, software or package solutions as needed. Customers can also make company-specific proprietary developments available to their employees in the Enterprise Marketplace.
Following the use of the Business Marketplace by 10,000 medium-sized businesses, the Enterprise Marketplace has been established to cover the needs of large companies: Whether these relate to Software as a Service solutions (SaaS), pre-configured images (appliances) or configurable comprehensive packages, the offerings can easily be integrated into existing system landscapes. All services selected including integrated proprietary developments are located in a private cloud and can be called up securely via Telekom’s network.
Complete integration: from standard to proprietary development
The Enterprise Marketplace mainly provides customers with standardized services. T-Systems bills the utilization of these services, including release changes, updates and patches supported in the future, flexibly based on use or with a monthly flat rate. Appliances such as Apache application servers are pre-configured for customers and can be combined with application software that customers install and manage themselves. In the future, customers will also be able to select which T-Systems cloud data center they want to use.
Various Enterprise Marketplace offerings can also be combined e.g., a web server with a database and content management system. In addition it is also possible to integrate proprietary developments such as monitoring tools. It is up to the company to decide to which Marketplace participants and to how many of them a tool is visible in the Enterprise Marketplace. In addition, Enterprise Marketplace appliance users can individually configure their hardware performance by defining the number of CPUs and the scope of RAM, memory and connection bandwidths. The future Managed Services variant also includes patches, updates and release changes.
Marketplace partners tried and tested
In addition to an overview of all applications, the Marketplace customers also have a customized dashboard that only shows their own selected and released applications. The Enterprise Marketplace’s range of solutions includes web servers (e.g., Apache and Microsoft IIS), application servers (e.g., Tomcat and JBoss), SQL databases, Microsoft Enterprise Search and open source packages (e.g., LAMP stack or Joomla).
Additionally, there is a range of SaaS solutions provided by software partners (known as ISVs or Independent Software Vendors). T-Systems has thoroughly tested these offerings and has them running on its own highly secure infrastructure. This offering is constantly being expanded. At present, these applications are already available from the cloud for example.
TAXOR - Taxation software
TAXOR is a standardized, modular software system for all tax handling processes. Using TAXOR, companies can generate tax balance sheets including e-balance sheets, carry out the tax and provision calculations and produce tax declarations for income tax and value added tax. In this respect, TAXOR considers automatic value transfers in the consolidation group as well as with co-partnerships.
TIBCO tibbr - Enterprise social media
Tibbr connects employees, applications and data. Similarly to other social networks, employees can create profiles, follow particular topics or comment on them here Colleagues are able to have information displayed relating to employees, e.g. what they are currently working on, their previous posts and where they have gotten involved. It is also possible for them to create their own closed groups or write private messages. For the company itself, new ways of communication are opening up too. A user can be assigned a topic such as certain corporate news items or news from the IT department. Another highlight is tibbr’s various interfaces. Meeting platforms such as Cisco WebEx, Skype or the Google Hangouts video chat application can be seamlessly integrated. Here, online meetings can be set up with just one click of the mouse. tibbr even features bi-directional SharePoint integration. This means that SharePoint documents can be posted and viewed in tibbr and that tibbr discussions can be seen from within SharePoint.
T-Systems Process Cloud - Business Process Management powered by Metasonic
The Metasonic suite for process management maps process workflows in a 1-to-1 correspondence with reality, in a single model that serves business and IT equally. The management consulting company Detecon already uses this subject-oriented BPM methodology in many customer projects to digitize processes.