Lufthansa Group Promotes Internal Dialogue
OREANDA-NEWS. Without employee engagement there can be no success. That applies on principle, and especially in times of radical change and reorientation in an extremely competitive market environment. The Lufthansa Group therefore focuses on the implementation of new dialog formats and platforms for the promotion of the exchange between top management, executives and employees.
Up to the end of 2013, for example, 51 dialogue events will have been held worldwide, including "Executive Board in Dialogue". In them, Lufthansa's management answers questions from the employees at the various locations. Another format which the Group has established is "Breakfast with the Executive Board". Here, employees from various business fields have the opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss the current situation of the Lufthansa Group and the background to management decisions with an Executive Board member.
In addition, with Employee Feedback Management (EFM) the Group has an efficient process which also aims to promote a continuous, company-wide dialogue between executives and employees. Currently the company is already conducting the 9th EFM employee survey. Up to 6th October, more than 36,000 employees can take part in the survey on engagement, identification and aspects of employee satisfaction. With the help of EFM it is also possible to collect information which leads to a stronger involvement of employees' opinions in company management. A key advantage of the current EFM round: the company donates one Euro for each completed questionnaire to the charitable aid initiative HelpAlliance which is operated by the employees of the Lufthansa Group.