Ingosstrakh Exclusive Insured Country House for EURO 1.65 mln
OREANDA-NEWS. Ingosstrakh Exclusive provided insurance protection for a private country house located at Leninsky district of Moscow region for the total insurance sum of EURO 1.65 m.
The house measuring 630 sq. meters is located on the picturesque site of Moscow vicinity on the Sosenka river bank. Bearing structures of the cottage were insured for EURO 450,000, and the finish of the rooms for EURO 750,000. Movable property and valuable belongings located in the house are covered for EURO 452,439.
The comprehensive insurance program includes the full package of risks related to fire, explosion, property damage by water, natural disasters and terroristic acts. The policy also protects the house against risks of lightning strokes, failures of power supply, heating, sewage, water supply systems as well as mechanical damage due to land subsidence. Insurance events are also considered to be falling of trees, construction machinery, piloted aircrafts and their fragments, and unlawful actions by third parties aimed at damaging or destructing of the property insured.