MOESK Creates Electricity Distribution Control System
OREANDA-NEWS. August 28, 2013. Moscow Cable Grids - branch of JSC "MOESK" launched a pilot project to install a modern system of electric energy distribution control (DMS) in the capital. A key element will be an automated information display system, which will replace the currently used mosaic panels of dispatch centers of districts and CDA (central dispatch administration) of the branch.
As envisioned by energy specialists, DMS will be the main tool for dispatch control of electrical distribution grids. The ability of the system to build and analyze the grid model, to calculate the modes of operation of grids, using data collected from the telemechanical system should be noted as its special feature.
"The modern system of DMS, which is embedded in Moscow Cable Grids is the most important tool of the smart grid,” Alexei Dorofeyev, deputy chief engineer for communication systems said. “Analysis of application of modern DMS in Europe and the United States demonstrates their high efficiency in distribution networks management. The system will improve reliability of power supply, increase transmission capacity of the electrical network and reduce losses in electricity transmission networks via grids of MOESK.”
DMS system will provide for not only operational planning, analysis and minimization of losses, but also support of tools outages control in electricity supply process. Furthermore, it performs the function of voltage regulation.
At the first stage, the specialists of MOESK started to improve operational dispatch management. DMS, developed by one of the leading manufacturers of this class systems, has an electronic model of a part of the grid of the ninth district of the Moscow Cable Grids. The model describes 8 feeding centers, 30 distribution transformers and 100 transformer centers and cable lines. Before the end of this year it is planned to complete modeling of all grid objects in the territory of the region. In the case of the successful implementation, this system will be considered as the most promising for implementation in other districts of the cable grids, as well as for creation of the supply grid dispatch control center on the branch level.