Severstal Increases Sales of Large-Diameter Pipes in H1 2013
OREANDA-NEWS. Izhora Pipe Mill (IPM), which specializes in the manufacture of large-diameter pipes from strips produced by the Cherepovets Steel Mill (both production units are part of the Severstal Russian Steel Division), manufactured over 165,000 tonnes of pipes in H1 2013 for use in major oil and gas projects in Russia and internationally. This represents a 2 % sales increase as compared to the same period of 2012.
Nikolai Skorokhvatov, CEO of IPM, said: “Major projects by Gazprom and Transneft in the first half of 2013 contributed to a growing demand for large-diameter pipes and enabled IPM to operate at full capacity”.
IPM’s contracts with Transneft in 2013 include supplies for the Arctic Circle-Purpe pipeline as well as pipes for repair projects and other Transneft operational requirements. In H1 2013 IPM products were also delivered to Gazprom for the Southern Corridor gas pipeline which will supply natural gas to Russia’s central and southern regions. The Southern Corridor gas pipeline will be vital for the development of the gas infrastructure and will ensure uninterrupted gas supplies to the South Stream gas major pipeline. IPM also supplied products for the construction of the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta major gas pipeline intended for gas delivery from the Yamal region, as well as products for Gazprom’s general repairs and maintenance.
In addition, in 2013 IPM began shippings for the Central Asia- China (CAC) major international gas pipeline. Over 7000 km long, CAC connects major natural gas fields in Central Asia with China’s gas pipeline system.