SUEK Finance LLC Closes Order Book for Series 05 Bond Issue
OREANDA-NEWS. SUEK Finance LLC closed the order book for acquisition of its series 05 bonds worth RUB 10 bln. The bonds have a put option 3 years after placement and a maturity period of 10 years
The order book was oversubscribed and bids were received from a wide range of investors. Coupon guidance was in the range of 8.45% to 8.80% annually.
Upon conclusion of book building SUEK Finance LLC made the decision accept 27 bids and set the coupon for the bonds at 8.70% annually.
Settlements for the deal will take place on August 22, 2013 on the MICEX.
The bond issuance was organised by Sberbank CIB, BC REGION, VTB Capital, and UniCreditBank. Co-organiser: BANK ROSSIYA. Underwriters: GLOBEXBANK, AM Capital, and FC Uralsib. Co-underwriters: Promsvyazbank, MDM Bank, BINBANK.