Chongqing Ranks Top Three among EU’s Investment Selections in China
OREANDA-NEWS. Recently, Southeast Branch of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China issued business confidence survey report. The report claims that EU companies in the Southeast are more optimistic about business growth and profitability compared with other districts in China. Bai Hua (Chinese Name), President of European Union Chamber of Commerce, says that there are about 1000 EU companies in the Southeast of China, and around 300 of them are in Chongqing whose optimism about business growth has increased from 70% in 2012 to 76% in 2013.
In March 2013, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China launched 2013 business confidence survey. 1403 EU companies in China were selected as respondents, 526 of them completed the survey. The report is formed by questionnaire analysis on four topics, namely, corporate introduction and data, outlook of competition in China, corporate strategy and regulation supervision, human resources and financial performance.
Bai Hua introduces that 42 EU companies were selected as investigation samples for business confidence report of the EU companies in the Southeast.
It is indicated in the business confidence report of European Union Chamber of Commerce that due to the influence by a slowdown of China’s macro economy and increasing of human costs, the business confidence index of EU companies in China has a slight decline, while EU companies in the Southeast claim to increase investment in the Southeast. It is reported that Chongqing, Guangdong and Sichuan are the top three selections for the investment of EU companies in China.
The report claims that relatively low cost of human resources is not the principal element for EU companies to invest in the Southeast. Respondents say that investing in the Southeast such as Chongqing is for convenience of companies to get closer to inland consumers.
The report indicates that optimism about future business growth of southeastern EU companies rose from 70% in 2012 to 76% in 2013, while optimism about profitability rose from 26% in 2012 to 38% in 2013. The optimism of EU companies in Chongqing and other southeastern districts mainly steams from two aspects: the development core of China has transferred to the Southeast and the economy of the Southeast represented by Chongqing maintains a trend of rapid growth. The report says that there is huge space in infrastructure construction and consumer market in Chongqing and other southeastern districts.