OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi, Ltd. on June 11, 2013 announced that it had decided to create an integrated framework encompassing design, manufacturing and sales in power semiconductors by transferring its design, manufacturing, quality assurance, sales and other operations of the power semiconductor business (“businesses to be transferred”) to Hitachi Haramachi Electronics Co., Ltd. through a company split on October 1, 2013, in order to provide a faster response to diversifying customer needs in this business.

Today, Hitachi concluded an absorption - type company split agreement. Having signed this agreement, Hitachi has also announced matters that were undecided in the press release issued on June 11, 2013, as follows. Changes to that press release are underlined.

This is an absorption - type split in which Hitachi is the transferring company and  Hitachi Haramachi Electronics is the successor company.

Details of Allotments Related to the Company Split Hitachi - Haramachi Electronics’ 150,000 share of common stock will be allotted to Hitachi on October 1, 2013

Handling of Stock Acquisition Rights and Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights Accompanying the Company Split - Hitachi has not issued any stock acquisition rights or bonds with stock acquisition rights.

Capitalization Changes Accompanying the Company Split - The company split will result in no change in capitalization of Hitachi.

Succession of Rights and Obligations - Hitachi Haramachi Electronics will succeed to all rights and obligations of Hitachi relating only to the business to be transferred, including assets, intellectual property, claims, obligations, contractual status and labor agreements.

Prospect of Fulfillment of Obligations - Obligations of Hitachi Haramachi Electronics becoming due after the effective date of the company split are anticipated to be duly performed.

Business of the Business to Be Split Design, Manufacturing, Quality assurance and Sales, etc. of Power Semiconductor Business

Business Results of Business to Be Split (Unconsolidated) Revenues: 18,900 million yen (Year ended March 31, 2013).