BM&FBOVESPA Publishes July Market Performance
OREANDA-NEWS. In July 2013, the equities market’s (BOVESPA segment) financial volume totaled BRL 132.69 billion in 18,355,701 trades, with daily averages of BRL 6.03 billion and 834,350 trades. In June, financial volume totaled BRL 178.84 billion, the total number of trades 21,381,341, the daily average financial volume BRL 8.94 billion and daily average number of trades 1,069,067.
The most traded stocks in July were: Vale PNA, with BRL 11.1 billion; PETROBRAS PN with BRL 9.7 billion; ITAUUNIBANCO PN, with BRL 7.1 billion; BRADESCO PN, with BRL 5.6 billion; and PETROBRAS ON with BRL 3.6 billion.
The Ibovespa ended July at 48,234 points, down 1.64% from the previous month. The best performing stocks for the Ibovespa in July were: B2W DIGITAL ON (+61.83%), USIMINAS PNA (+17.23), GERDAU PN (+15.70%), USIMINAS ON (+14.64%) and GERDAU MET PN (+14.01%) . The biggest losses were: OGX PETROLEO ON (-16.46%), PDG REALT ON (-12.80%), ROSSI RESID ON (-8.90%), ALL AMER LAT ON (-6.77%) and SUZANO PAPEL PNA (-5.70%).
Derivatives markets in the BM&F segment (including financial and commodities derivatives) totaled 53,496,970 contracts and BRL 3.92 trillion in volume in July, compared to 65,441,114 contracts and BRL 5.16 trillion in June. Open interest contracts ended the last trading day of July 2013 with 38,420,296 positions, compared to 46,412,312 in June.