SB Department of Bank of Moscow Sums up Its Operations in 1H, 2013
OREANDA-NEWS. The Small-Size Business (SB) Department of the Bank of Moscow has summed up its operations in the first six months of 2013. The SB credit portfolio has grown up by 30% as compared with the beginning of the year. Over the 6 months of the current year more than 2,400 loans have been extended, and the number of the SB borrowers of the Bank as of 1 July 2013 has attained 5,412 clients with the total number of SB clients being 107 thousand.
The Bank of Moscow takes an active part in the implementation of the small-size business support governmental programme. It is over 7 years that the Bank has been successfully co-operating with the Moscow Small-Size Business Assistance Fund. Within the first six months of 2013 the Bank of Moscow has extended 86 loans to the total of 863 million RUR under the Fund’s guarantees totalling 444 million RUR.
In the first six months of 2013 7 co-operation agreements have been signed with the regional funds (Samara, Omsk, Astrakhan, Stavropol, Voronezh, Barnaul and Tomsk).
One of the strategic directions in the activity of the Bank of Moscow is co-operation with the UETF. Over the first 6 months of 2013 the Bank of Moscow has extended loans to the total of 1 360 million RUR to small-size businesses thus providing them with an opportunity to enter into governmental contracts totalling over 16 billion RUR. This said, the share of the Moscow region in such loans is 56% while the 44% balance of loans has been extended to the other regions.
"We assess positively the results of our operations in the first six months of 2013. To date the small-size business segment has not been a priority for the Bank of Moscow. Within a short period of time we have managed to attain good results," commented Ekaterina Orlova, Director of the Small-Size Business Department of the Bank of Moscow. "Today the Bank successfully implements its plans, activity participates in the small-size business support governmental programmes and contributes to the development of small-size business, an important element of economy".