OREANDA-NEWS. July 31, 2013. JSC Belagroprombank has successfully completed certification in the international payment system MasterCard Worldwide for issuing and acquiring of MasterCard PayPass cards.  Starting August 1, 2013 JSC Belagroprombank will offer its clients contactless MasterCard cards.

- We are happy to be in the front line when it comes to implementing modern technologies, - said Elena Nesterenok, Director of CardCentre of JSC Belagroprombank. – Contactless cards payment is a new technology in our country, which is why we are especially pleased to offer our clients not only contactless cards but also the possibility to create the infrastructure for acceptance thereof. Only thus we will be able to deliver modern services of high quality.

Contactless technology (in particular MasterCard PayPass) will speed up customer service, simplify the payment process and reduce queues on the shop floor and merchant’s expenses related to cash operations, which in its turn will help increase customer loyalty. The contactless card will allow the cardholder to pay for the purchase by simply holding the card against the terminal. Contactless cards are chip cards which interact with the terminal via the short range radio frequency. This provides enhanced security since the cardholder maintains control of the card (does not pass it to the cashier) for the entire contactless operation. Furthermore, the chip used in contactless cards is virtually impossible to counterfeit.