GDNexus™ Releases First Need Statements Connecting Customers
OREANDA-NEWS. GDNexus, an online community of technology providers created by General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, has made available the first three requirements-driven Need Statements for registered members. Each Need Statement represents an immediate mission need for a customer in the defense, federal, intelligence and commercial markets. Registered members of GDNexus can now propose technology responses to meet these customer requirements in the cyber domain.
“Each Need Statement is linked to a specific, mission-critical requirement from one of our customers and creates new business opportunities for companies that might not have access to the government,” said Nadia Short, vice president of Strategy and Business Development at General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems. “Our goal is to find relevant technology and solutions that will meet our customer requirements. By opening our search to include diverse companies from across the technology space, we are able to continue to enhance mission capabilities, reduce risk, increase cost savings and deliver innovation directly to our customers.”
Information sharing and detection are the focus areas of the three Need Statements currently posted to GDNexus. The first Need Statement is based on information sharing and is seeking technology that enables the exchange of data between government off-the-shelf (GOTS) and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. The second information sharing-related Need Statement is interested in technology to support the secure ingest of data from various sources. The final Need Statement is looking for technology solutions that can detect malicious network traffic and content.
General Dynamics will vet all member submissions through a comprehensive and objective review process, culminating in the selection of a proven solution that supports the customers’ cyber missions. The GDNexus team will also provide detailed feedback on every submission to help members enhance their product strategy for government markets and align technology roadmaps to better anticipate and meet future mission needs.