Security of Power Facilities of IDGC of Centre Is Under Control
OREANDA-NEWS. IDGC of Centre held a meeting on providing comprehensive protection and security of the electric grid complex of IDGC of Centre. It was attended by heads of private security companies that provide services for the security of the Company’s facilities. The meeting reviewed the results of the check of security, which took place in all branches of the company. A high level of anti-terrorist protection of energy facilities was observed.
In 2013, the number of theft and unauthorized intrusion attempts at power facilities with criminal purposes reduced by two times. This was aided by the implementation of a whole range of organizational and technical measures.
Currently, 251 facilities of the company are under the physical protection. At all of them access mode and tightened intrabuilding security modes are organized and maintained. To improve security at substations construction and installation works on the reconstruction and installation of technical means of protection continue. In the current year at 39 power facilities video surveillance systems were installed, at 28 - perimeter security alarm systems, at 57 facilities - new fencing. More than 92 million rubles were spent the given work in the framework of the investment program in 2013.
"Ensuring the security of facilities and structures of power supply is the most important task of IDGC of Centre," underlines the head of the Office of integrated security of staff and facilities of IDGC of Centre Victor Galkovsky. "Reliable power supply of millions of our customers, community facilities, and stable operation of strategically important industrial facilities depends on clear and coordinated work of specialists, providing all levels of security, including the work of private security companies."
The implementation of measures to increase the anti-terrorist protection, their improvement, the development of proactive measures in 2013 will be continued. The categorization and certification of power facilities process will be completed. It will enable in a differentiated and more efficient way in terms of cost to approach to the implementation of systems of physical, technical and engineering security, depending on the assigned category and degree of possible danger. Until the end of the year anti-terrorist exercises and drills will be held in all branches, including with the involvement of private security companies and local branches of the Russian Interior Ministry, FSB of Russia and EMERCOM of Russia.