Furniture Factory Opens in Mogilev
OREANDA-NEWS. Mebelain furniture factory opened in Mogilev free economic area on July 10. The cestimated cost of the project is EUR 16 mln, a company representative told.
According to the source, the construction of the factory began in November 2011. The project will be fully completed in 2015.
The factory is producing furniture by IKEA orders, its whole output is exported. So far the factory employs 150 workers.
Mebelain was established in 2010 by a group of Lithuanian companies united in SBA concern. Concern SBA is a strategic investor that manages one of the largest business groups in Lithuania. SBA activities concentrate on 4 business areas - furniture, apparel, business centres and energy. More than 90 percent of enterprises belonging to SBA export their production to nearly 40 world countries.