OREANDA-NEWS. July 18, 2013. Fortune Magazine released the ranking list of Fortune 500 Companies 2013. With sales revenue of USD44.3439 billion, China Huaneng Group is ranked 231st on the list, up by 15 places compared with 2012. Huaneng started to join the ranks of Fortune 500 Companies in 2009, ranking 425th, jumped to 313th in 2010, and rose to 276 in 2011, and ranked 246 in 2012.

Though faced with complex and tough challenges in 2012, China Huaneng Group was able to tackle various difficulties and fully achieve its annual targets. By the end of 2012, the Company had total installed capacity of 135.08GW both at home and abroad, up by 7.7% over the previous year, and generated electricity of 608700 GWh, up by 0.79% over the previous year, and achieved consolidated sales revenue of RMB 277.7 billion, up by 3.5% over the previous year.

Compared with last year, the threshold for Fortune 500 Companies this year has risen by USD1.2 billion to USD 23.3 billion. The total sales revenue of the Fortune 500 Companies has gone up by 2.77% to USD 30.3 trillion. The number of Chinese companies that join the list has been on the increase, reaching 95 this year, only second to the USA.