OREANDA-NEWS. July 16, 2013. AREVA has signed with its social partners the third group agreement concerning disability with the aim of improving efficiently the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities over the period 2013 – 2016. This agreement follows on from two previous agreements, the first of which was adopted in 2007.

For the past 7 years, AREVA has been developing a proactive policy and taking practical steps in favor of people with disabilities through recruitment, job retention, training and raising awareness among employees.

These actions resulted in an employment rate of 4.57% within the group in 2012.

With this new agreement, AREVA has set the ambitious target of an overall employment rate of 6% by 2016.

“It is thanks to the involvement of everyone - social partners, employees, managers - that AREVA’s results in terms of disability progress each year,” declared Luc Oursel, President and CEO of AREVA. “Together, let us continue with our efforts to ensure that diversity and equal opportunities are values shared by everyone within the group.”