National Grid Announces Supplier Design Awards Winner
OREANDA-NEWS. Midal Cables has been announced as the winner of National Grid's first Supplier Design Awards for its innovative overhead line recycling project, to reduce the need for aluminium and save precious resources.
The awards were presented at a ceremony in London yesterday evening by Dame Ellen MacArthur and Sir Peter Gershon, chairman of National Grid. The competition challenged National Grid's existing suppliers to develop an idea in line with a circular economy; to use intelligent design to cut out waste and retain resource value.
Kersi Master, General Manager for Midal Cables Limited said: “National Grid's competition has made us all think differently about making the best use of the resources we have.”
Ellen MacArthur presenting the award spoke about the benefits for companies that make the transition to a circular economy, she said: “What's fantastic about this supply design competition is how all the entrants have looked at tangible solutions to implementing these changes and demonstrated the significant benefits on offer.”
Congratulations also to runners up Morrison Utility Services and Alstom for their entries that focused on extending the life of assets.