Quanta Storage Permits Directors to Engage in Competitive Conduct
OREANDA-NEWS. July 04, 2013. Name and title of the director with permission to engage in competitive conduct:
I. Barry Lam (Director)
II. C. C. Leung (Director & General Manager)
III. C.T. Huang (Director & Senior Vice President)
Items of competitive conduct in which the director is permitted to engage:
To hold a managerial position in other competitive organisation, which can be either self-owned or run by others.
Period of permission to engage in the competitive conduct: While holding position in the Company.
Circumstances of the resolution (please describe the results of the voting under Article 209 of the Company Act):
Approved by the shareholders' meeting.
I. Barry Lam
Chairman of Quanta Storage Inc., E-Forward Technology Ltd.
Director of Quanta Micro-Systems Inc.
II. C. C. Leung
Chairman of Quanta Micro-Systems Inc.
Director of Quanta Storage Inc., RoyalTek Company Ltd.,
III. C.T. Huang
Chairman of Quanta Storage (Shanghai) Ltd.
Director of Quanta Storage Inc., Standard (Shanghai) Engergy Co., Ltd.
If the permitted competitive conduct is business of a mainland China area enterprise, the name and title of the director (if it is not business of a mainland China area enterprise, please enter ”not applicable” below):
C.T. Huang (Chairman & Director)
Company name of the mainland China area enterprise and the director's position in the enterprise:
C.T. Huang:
Chairman of Quanta Storage (Shanghai) Ltd.
Director of Standard (Shanghai) Engergy Co., Ltd.
Address of the mainland China area enterprise: Shanghai Songjiang export processing zone
Business items of the mainland China area enterprise: Manufacturing, sales & marketing, storage & battery, processing and delivery.
Degree of effect on the Company's finances and business: The director is the legal representative of the above mentioned enterprises, which are fully controlled by the Company. Therefore, the
impact should be minimum.
If the director has invested in the mainland China area enterprise, the monetary amount of the director's investment and the director's shareholding ratio: None
Any other matters that need to be specified: None