Regional Workshop of Provincial FAS Offices Took Place in Krasnoyarsk
OREANDA-NEWS. July 01, 2013. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) organized a regional workshop in Krasnoyarsk for the FAS Offices operating in Siberian Federal District, focused on antimonopoly enforcement.
Officials from the Central FAS Office took part in the workshop: assistant to the Head of FAS Pavel Subbotin (the workshop moderator), the Head of FAS Legal Department, Sergey Puzyrevsky; the Head of FAS Department for Control over Electric Power Industry, Vitaly Korolyov; and Deputy Head of FAS Department for Control over Housing & Utilities, Construction and Natural Resources, Maria Tomakh.
Regional FAS Offices were represented by the heads and experts of Buryatia, Zabaikalie, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Tyva, Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk, Altai province and Altai Republic Offices of FAS.
The Chairman of Krasnoyarsk Regional Arbitration Court, Dmitry Surkov; the Chairman of the First Bench of the 3rd Arbitration Appeal Court, Ekaterina Sevastyanova; judges of the 6th Bench of Krasnoyarsk Regional Arbitration Court, a Federal Inspector for the Krasnoyarsk Region Alexei Shilkin; First Deputy of the Head of Krasnoyarsk, Vitaly Bobrov; and representatives of the business-community of the Krasnoyarsk region also took part in the discussion.
The Head of FAS Legal Department, Sergey Puzyrevsky, discussed with the workshop participants the issue of administrative liability for violating the antimonopoly law: calculations of turnover fines taking into account the latest changes specified by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, as well as definition of geographic and product boundaries of markets for the purposes of calculating turnover fines and a possibility to narrow them.
A presentation made by the Head of FAS Department for Control over Electric Power Industry, Vitaly Korolyov, generated active discussion. His presentation focused on the issue of enforcing the law on electric power industry by the antimonopoly bodies in the context of new regulations coming into force.
Deputy Head of FAS Department for Control over Housing & Utilities, Construction and Natural Resources, Maria Tomakh, brought up for discussion the issues of enforcing No.223 Federal Law “On Goods Procurement” as well as controversial questions of investigating complaints under Article 18.1 of the Federal Law “On Protection on Competition”.
The Head of Voronezh OFAS, Vladimir Rokhmistrov, and the Head of Omsk OFAS, Sergey Sumenkov, made presentations on specific issues of enforcements of the antimonopoly law.
Summing up the workshop, participants drafted a resolution that has conclusions on the issues discussed as part of the agenda.