Expert RA Assigned Regional Power Grids Creditworthiness Rating
OREANDA-NEWS. Expert RA rating agency assigned 'Regional Power Grids' Open Joint Stock Company creditworthiness (long-term creditworthiness) rating À, which means high credit solvency. The outlook is stable. The stable outlook means high probability of maintaining the rating in the mid-term.
When the Company was rated, the Agency's analysts highlighted high capital adequacy, high diversification of payables, and no reliance on the major supplier as positive factors. The Company has high business activity, a moderately low share of receivables in the Company's assets structure and the high insurance protection level.
Low business diversification by lines of business, a high share of short-term receivables in the current assets, narrow business geography, and a non-transparent structure of the Company's owners restrained the Company rating. The moderately high debt level, low liquidity indicators and their reduction, moderately low profitability were also noted among the rating restraining factors.