TGC-1 Held Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Anashkin OREANDA-NEWS. The Annual General Meeting of TGC-1 JSC shareholders was held on 17 June 2013. The shareholders approved the Company's annual report for 2012, the annual financial reports, including the Company's profit and loss report based on the results of the financial year in 2012, and also the allocation of profits for 2012.
Revenues of TGC-1 JSC in 2012 constituted 60.145 billion roubles, operating profit was 4.902 billion roubles, and net profit was set at a level of 3.353 billion roubles.
The Annual General Meeting of shareholders took the decision to direct 2.7162 billion roubles of the net profits obtained in 2012 to the accumulation fund, and 167.7 million roubles to the reserve fund to ensure efficient financial-economic activities. Shareholder dividends of TGC-1 JSC for the results of 2012 were paid at 0.000121805 roubles for one ordinary Company share in money form, over 60 days from the day when the decision to pay them was taken.
In accordance with the list of candidates approved by the TGC-1 JSC Board of Directors on 05.03.2013, the following were elected to the Company's Board of Directors:
1 |
Irina Vadimovna Grave |
Vice President of Fortum Corporation, mergers and acquisitions |
2 |
Aleksandr Pavlovich Dushko |
Deputy Head of Financial and Economic Department of Gazprom JSC |
3 |
Sergey Viktorovich Ezhov |
Head of Department of Competitive Procurement of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC |
4 |
Valentin Zakharievich Kazachenkov |
General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saint Petersburg JSC |
5 |
Kari Kautinen |
Vice President of Fortum Corporation, company mergers and acquisitions |
6 |
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kukushkin |
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Energy and Engineering Support of Saint Petersburg |
7 |
Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev |
Member of the Management, Head of the Department of Marketing, Gas Processing and Liquid Hydrocarbons of Gazprom JSC |
8 |
Denis Vlaimirovich Fyodorov |
General Director of Gazprom Energoholing LLC, General Director of Centrenergoholding JSC |
9 |
Andrey Nikolaevich Filippov |
General Director of JSC TGC-1 |
10 |
Mikhail Leonidovich Hodursky |
Deputy General Director for Economy and Finance of Gazprom Energoholding LLC |
11 |
Aleksandr Anatolievich Chuvaev |
Executive Vice President, Member of the Management of Fortum Corporation, President of Russia Division of Fortum Corporation, General Director of Fortum JSC |