OREANDA-NEWS. The president of the TVEL Fuel Company Yuriy Oleninvisited OJSC “Mashinostroitelny zavod” (which is incorporated into the structure of the TVEL Fuel Company, a division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM). The working visit was dedicated to Rosatom Production System (RPS) and its development at MSZ OJSC.

In the course of the visit Yuri Olenin met with the leaders of OJSC “Mashinostroitelny zavod” and visited the company’s main production workshops where he got acquainted with the implementation of the projects on RPS development including the following ones: "Optimization of the fuel production for reactors of the RBMK type", "Optimization of the manufacture of fuel pellets for the CANDU reactor", "Production of fuel assemblies (FAs) for reactors of the VVER-1000 type", "Production of component parts" and "Production of absorbing elements and regulating units of reaction control and safety system","Progress in the reconstruction of the buildingwherethe manufacture of special-purpose equipment is carried out".

During the closing address concerning the results of the working visit, it was stated that the projects implemented at the factory within the RPSdevelopment program, are carried out on the appropriate level; and the activity in this area should be continuedwith the consolidation of the efforts of all the enterprise units.

It is to be recalled that OJSC “Mashinostroitelny zavod” was one of the first plants in the field toimplement the principles of the Rosatom Production System. After two RPS pilot areas, created in the workshops of the fuel pin equipage and component parts manufacture, started successfulperforming ofthe tasks set before them,all the enterprise units and subsidiaries were involved into a continuous improvement process.

Over the last year, the staff of MSZ OJSC within RPS has submitted 1,120 improving proposals, 853 of which havealready been implemented. Remuneration payments for the employees, who submitted the proposals, amounted to about 7 million rubles.

The company’s plans for the near future includeimplementing the RPS scaling throughout the plantunits.