Tver Carriage Works Produced First Double Deck Coaches
OREANDA-NEWS. Tver Carriage Works (TVZ, a part of CJSC Transmashholding) has completed production of the first batch of 15 double deck passenger coaches designated for JSC Federal Passenger Company.
Supply contract for double deck coaches was signed in December 2010. TVZ will supply 50 double deck passenger coaches of various models till the end of 2013, according the contract.
Double deck sleeping coaches with four-berth compartment fits 64 sleeping berths, two-bed compartment car - 30 sleeping berths, staff compartment car – 50 sleeping berths (including 2 special compartments for disabled passenger and accompanying person). Restaurant car has 44 seats in a dinning salon and 5 seats in a bar.
All coaches are equipped with air conditioning systems. Each coach is produced with three toilets placed at the rear of coach between the first and second floors. Two-bed compartment cars have shower rooms.
Staff compartment cars are built up with a system adapted for wheelchair disabled people transportation. The cars are designed with a convenient reliable lifting device facilitating disabled people to get on and off the coach. Display in compartment provides visual information and voice messages.
Video and audio program transmission system is designed in a restaurant car saloon. Kitchen and bar are located in the first floor, restaurant is on the second.
Cars are produced on the basis of energy-efficient technology, centralized power supply allows 35-40% cutting of power expenditures.
Simultaneously, TVZ is working on extension of double deck product range. It is expected that serial production of regional double deck passenger coaches will be arranged in 2014.