Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg Announces Results of AGM
OREANDA-NEWS. On June 7, 2013 annual general shareholder’s meeting of JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” (“SP SPb”) took place. Annual statement and annual accounting report of the Company for 2012, including income statement were approved.
Net profit of “SP SPb” in 2012 amounted to 837 mln. 756 thousand Rubles, which exceeds by 8.7 the similar indicator of 2011. Shareholders resolved to pay dividends in amount of 677 Rubles 38 kopecks per one ordinary share.
After voting the following Board of Directors of “SP SPb” was elected: Oleg Bukin, Andrey Gorlenko, Viktor Kirilenko, Vladimir Popov, Valeriy Feodorov, Igor Feodorov, Pavel Oleynik. Sergey Zelentsov, Irina Keltsova, Oleg Kovalenko, Olga Sokolovskaya, Tatyana Yarema were included in Audit Committee.
CJSC “KPMG” was approved as the auditor of the company for 2013.