Uzbekistan Increases Efficiency of Power Industry
OREANDA-NEWS. June 04, 2013. Modernization of the power industry, implementation of investment projects, improving the system of electricity control and metering, as well as other issues were discussed at a press conference held at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan.
Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Uzbekenergo State Joint-stock company R.Raimov noted that the main directions of modernization and technical upgrading of the power industry were defined by President Islam Karimov in his decrees "On the priorities of industrial development of Uzbekistan in 2011-2015" dated December 15, 2010 and "On the Investment Program of the Republic Uzbekistan for 2013 "dated 21 November 2012. In the energy sector, continuation of implementation of wide-ranging reforms to upgrade production, equipping it with the latest high-tech equipment, the accelerated implementation of the latest scientific achievements and advanced innovative technologies is scheduled.
At the press conference, it was noted that in 2013 Uzbekenergo is working on implementation of 31 investment projects, 12 of which the company expects to complete by the end of this year. Five investment projects will be completed in the first half of 2013. In particular, an Uzbek-Chinese joint venture to produce 700,000 electric meters per year will be commissioned in the Navoi free industrial zone, which will create new jobs in the sector and meet the public demand for these products. Construction of the gas turbine generator with a capacity of 27 MW is to be completed at Tashkent thermal power station, where natural gas saving will reach 35 million cubic meters per year. Also a project on transfer of power units № 1-5 at the Novo-Angren thermal power plant to a year-round consumption of coal, which will help to increase the production of solid fuels at the Angren coal mine, is soon to be completed.
Thanks to the measures taken to modernize and technological upgrade of the country's power production system, supply rates have increased. For five months in 2013 Uzbekenergo power production totaled 22 ,3 bln. kilowatt/hour, which is 1 billion more than the same period last year.
Great opportunities in the area of stimulating “green energy” initiatives is created by the Decree of President Islam Karimov "On measures for further development of alternative sources of energy" dated 1 March 2013. In accordance with the decree Uzbekenergo has embarked on the project for the construction of solar photovoltaic station with the capacity of 100 MW in the Samarkand region.
The success of these and other investment projects will undoubtedly increase the efficient, reliable and quality power supply for the economy and population of the country.