Boschung KAMA’s Equipment for Public Utilities
OREANDA-NEWS. OOO Boschung KAMA, a joint venture and a strategic partner of KAMAZ and Boschung, presented samples of new special-purpose equipment – big vehicles for road cleaning, and also small-size equipment for operation on the pavement.
The equipment made by Boschung KAMA is installed on KAMAZ chassis. The main feature of this product is that the vehicles are used the whole year round. In winter, the chassis carry distribution equipment produced with tankers of different sizes for deicing materials. In summer, vacuum cleaners, equipment for fence cleaning and street washing systems are mounted on the chassis.
Besides, Boschung KAMA can supply municipal services with street cleaners on KAMAZ-53605 chassis with S600-K mounted road sweeping machines. This model features a system of quick summer/winter switching, which makes it easier to mount/dismount superstructures. Due to a double system of disk brushes, the range of sweeping reaches 3 m. Workers of public utilities will also like a road sweeping machine on a KAMAZ-6522 chassis with a mounted washer of the BPS type, with a sliding washer beam, a Hartz high-pressure pump and a water tank of 12 m3 capacity.
The small-size equipment includes S3 and Pony vacuum sweepers. Their main advantage is maneuverability which will enable workers of municipal services to operate in a confined space. Besides, these vehicles can be used the whole year round.
OOO Boschung KAMA is a joint venture producing municipal vehicles established by KAMAZ in partnership with the Swiss company Boschung Holding AG and based on KAMAZ premises.