OREANDA-NEWS. May 16, 2013. According to CIS Statistics Committee in January-March, 2013, milk production in Moldova declined 7.4%. Moldova produced the least amount of milk as compared with all CIS states, 74,000 tons only.

Major milk producers Russia and Belarus produced 3.8% (6.21 million tons) and 1.1% (1.53% million tons) less milk respectively. Ukraine, the second milk producers in CIS, produced 2.08 million tons, 1.2 % more than in the same period of 2012.

The highest growth in milk production in CIS was recorded in Tajikistan (8.6% or 141 thousand tons); Azerbaijan (5.4% or 395 thousand tons); Armenia (4% or 147 thousand tons) and Kyrgyzstan (1.8% or 230 thousand tons). In Kazakhstan it was produced 770 thousand tons of milk, 0.8% down as compared with the same period of 2012.

Information on Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan is missing. In January-March, 2013 it was produced 11.59 million tons of milk in total, 7l.8% down as compared with the same period of 2012.