NIBULON Finishing Its Sowing Campaign
OREANDA-NEWS. NIBULON’s production branches completed sowing of sunflower on the area of 12 thousand ha. The sowing campaign was performed according to the schedule – during the first decade of May, the soil was moist. In the Southern region the areas under sunflower comprise 4.6 thousand ha, in the Western region – 3.2 thousand ha, and in the Eastern one - 4.2 thousand tons.
At present sunflower shoots occupy 80% of areas, the company’s branches are preparing to conduct the first inter-row cultivation of the given crop (if necessary). Before sunflower planting the areas were fertilized with mineral fertilizers, there were used plant protection means (including soil herbicides on 85% of areas).
NIBULON also sowed corn on the area of 16 thousand ha (85% of the planned amount). The sowing campaign has finished in the Eastern (4.7 thousand ha) and the Southern (5.5 thousand ha) regions completely. On most sown areas there have already appeared cereal-shoots.
The Western and the Southern regions are completing the sowing campaign. Within the next few days (taking into account high rates of sowing) 3 thousand ha of land will be sown with corn.
Soon the company’s branches will complete sowing of sorghum. At present there have been sown 5.8 thousand ha out of 7.8 thousand ha planned. This year the company continues to extend areas under sorghum by 1.8 thousand ha (it is almost 20% of the total areas of crop). Thereby NIBULON gradually increases areas under sorghum as more profitable crop and reduces the amount of barley cultivation according to the main tendencies of the world grain market.
This season NIBULON is going to sow 5.5 thousand ha of soya and that is by 25% more than last year. There have already been sown 20% of areas, the sowing campaign enters into an active stage.
At the same time the company’s branches perform crop care, packing of soil (in compliance with the crop cultivation technology), the fields are harrowed after soil herbicide application. At present 70% of areas have already been fertilized with soil herbicides, pace of work comprises about 1.5 thousand ha per day. Plant protection means are being applied to protect early grain crops.