Tata Power Developed India's First 4000 MW Mundra UMPP
OREANDA-NEWS. Tata Power, India's largest integrated power utility, through its wholly owned subsidiary Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL) has developed India's first 4000 MW Mundra UMPP currently catering to 2% of India's total power needs. The project is among world's largest Greenfield Thermal Generation Project and is most efficient and fully operational thermal power plant of the country.
The total generation from the plant till 31st March 2013 has touched 12440 MU's and going forward the plant is expected to contribute more than 26,000 Million kWh to the beneficiary states annually. Mundra UMPP supplies power to five states namely Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Maharashtra in the country.
The project was completed in a record time of 1 year from the date of commissioning of the first 800 MW Unit in March 2012. The average gap between synchronization of two units has been 3.5 months, which is better than the baseline schedule of 4 months and is much better than the 5 months provided in original PPA.
The 4000 MW Mundra UMPP heralds the entry of 800 MW supercritical boiler technology in India, which is environment friendly and efficient. This technology and the choice of unit sizes will help save fuel for the project and cut down the greenhouse gas emissions as compared to regular coal-fired power stations. The GHG emissions per kilowatt hour of energy generated are 750 grams of carbon dioxide per kWh, as compared to India's national average of 1,259 g CO2/ kWh for coal-based power plants. In addition, the choice of imported coal significantly lowers sulphur emissions. The plant will use significantly less than the stipulated 1 % sulphur and 10 % ash content in coal.
Speaking on the 4000 MW Mundra UMPP, Mr. Anil Sardana, Managing Director, Tata Power, said, “This plant is a state of the art generation station which is built with world class equipments sourced from Korea and Japan. The Project is a fine example of world-class technology combined with innovations by the project team. We are proud and privileged to dedicate this “Monument of Technological & Project Management Excellence at Mundra” to the nation. The project completion within record time reinforces Tata Power's commitment to bridge the energy demand supply gap in India and reinforces our group's commitment of “A Promise is a Promise.”
Few Innovative practices at Mundra:
Introduction of Safety Time out session & SIAT (Safety Intervention Audit Team) which has resulted in improved risk perception of employees and increased safety awareness at CGPL Mundra.
In-house development & deployment of funnel shaped welding spatters arrestor for works at height.
Engagement of NGO (AAKAR) to work with contract workforce.
Use of wind barriers for ICHS, which has resulted in reduction in coal dust fugitive emission to nearby villages.
Introduction of SCAR & QCAR system for improved safety & Quality process implementation
In line with its philosophy, the Company has also begun the journey of community development to address developmental needs of its neighboring communities. It includes exploring and engaging, building and formalizing, implementing actions and then continuously evaluating in a manner that institutionalizes relationship with communities. The initiatives span the theme of education, health, income generation and livelihood, natural resource management, infrastructure and institution building. The plant has successfully created 5000 construction jobs and 700 operations oriented jobs till date.
Some of company's efforts include 'Project Sujaan' which has led to overall improvement in academic performance among the children; grazing land mitigation by providing fodder for (3000) cattle in villages applauded by the national and state authorities; Self Help Group initiative providing support to 323 women of the villages by initiating microfinance activity and health management comprising of prevention of blindness programme reaching out to 244 people. The company has also launched project “Arogaya” for health check-up and treatment for the school children. With the assistance of grass root NGO, the company has also implemented Project 'Uttkarsh', a holistic community development program catering to the needs of the community through their active participation. Uttkarsh is giving impetus to safe drinking water by installing RO plants, rural energy and water management by construction of check dams, creation of Adarsh Agwanwadi, establishment of milk collection centers, activities related to farming, drip irrigation and many more.