Privatization of Naftogaz to Increase Transparency of Company
OREANDA-NEWS. May 06, 2013. The process of reforming the NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine continues and to be completed after the privatization of the company. This was started by Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Boyko in an interview to Weekly Mirror newspaper.
"We have created JSCs, and sent the law to the VR to lift the ban on privatization. After privatization the company will be really divided," said Yuriy Boyko.
He said that the privatization of the company is recommended by leading international consultants and will improve the transparency of the company and also attracts substantial funds.
"Privatization - is recommended by our consultants Ernst & Young. As privatization would increase transparency and allow us some money received from privatization to direct on repayment of western loans," Yuriy Boyko.
"The Government will make a decision and now we are preparing the legislation," Vice Prime Minister said.