Airbus and VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation Intend to Strengthen Cooperation
OREANDA-NEWS. Last week on the 17th – 18th of April VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation was paid a visit by representatives of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus. During this two-day visit the delegation consisting of Senior Vice President Material Purchasing Olivier Cauquil, Vice President Titanium Products Purchasing Olivier Dryer and leaders and managers of Purchasing & Supply Chain Quality Departments got acquainted with the mill’s cyclical turnaround. The Airbus representatives visited melting and extrusion shops and a construction site for 4,000 t. press installed in the forging division. In addition, they watched the world’s most powerful 75,000 t. press performing forging operations and Cincinnati machines installed in Shop 54 in the process of machining operations.
As part of the Airbus official visit, negotiations with VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation CEO Mikhail Voevodin with regard to opportunities of strengthening the current partnership took place. In the course of discussions of the opportunities above the companies outlined a number of new approaches for the further cooperation. According to Senior Vice President Material Purchasing Olivier Cauquil, it may be, for example, Airbus participation in VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation projects related to manufacture of higher value-added products.