OREANDA-NEWS. April 25, 2013. The Board of Directors approved the following insurance company as the Company's underwriter:

The BoD approved the report on 2012 business plan (including investment program) completion.

The key parameters are as follows:

RUR mln 2012
Revenues 51 335.0
transmission 49 691.3
connection 1 268.4
other 375.3
Expenses 49 357.7
Gross profit 1 977.3
Pre-tax profit 783.5
Net profit 625.8
Determination of the Company's (representatives') positions on agenda issues of the GSM and BoD sessions of the SACs

The BoD entrusted its representatives at EESK and EES to vote "FOR" while adopting resolution on the approval of the report on 4Q2012 and 2012 business plans as well as target KPIs completion. Besides, the representatives were entrusted to vote "FOR" while adopting resolution on the liquidation of Security Service, at its EGSM.
Approval of a credit policy report
The BoD approved a 4Q 2012 credit policy report of the Company. As of 01.01.2013 our credit portfolio totaled RUR 9 071.2 mln. The Company observed all the set debt limits, debt financing was according to the amount of maximum debt rate as of the reported period approved by the BoD.
Review of a report on the completion of the Energy-saving and Efficiency Increase Program in 2012.