FAS Approved List of its Best Cases of Central Office
OREANDA-NEWS. April 22, 2013. The Presidium of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) approved the list of best cases and achievements of the Central Office of FAS Russia in 2012 on three nominations:
1. The best achievements of FAS industry departments in 2012;
2. The best cases of FAS industry departments in 2012;
3. The best achievements of FAS infrastructure departments in 2012.
The FAS Presidium gave the highest scores to the cases and achievements of a clear social character. Therefore, the absolute leaders on the scores in the nomination ofncases and achievements became the Department for Control over Social Sphere and Trade and the Anti-Cartel Department.
“For instance, the Department for Control over Social Sphere and Trade managed to introduce very important amendments to the law on tourism and education. Also, it, together with the Department for Control over Industry and Defence Complex, put forward efficient proposals towards developing competition in sales and after-sale car service”, commented the Head of Analytical Department, Alexei Sushkevich. “In this angle we should also emphasize the work of the Anti-Cartel Department. This is, firstly, a result of investigating bid-rigging cases for purchasing medicines, and, secondly, organization of cooperation with the Investigation Committee and the Ministry of Interior for cartel investigation”.
As for the achievements of the infrastructure departments, the FAS Presidium, scored those that concerned all members of staff of the antimonopoly bodies. For instance, high scores were given to the achievement of the Public Relations Department: implementing a complex programme for non-financial motivation of the Central Office and regional FAS bodies. The Administrative Department took the second place for the assistance offered to regional offices regarding their accommodation in new federal premises. The same scores were assigned to the Legal Department, which undertook significant efforts in 2012 for renewing the legislative framework.
Identifying such important cases and achievements is part of calculating performance rating, which will be ready by 1st May 2013.