TITAN -2 Acts as Sponsor for Regional Professional Skills Contest
OREANDA-NEWS. A contest of young electricians to test the students' skills in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment has been taking place in Sosnovy Polytechnic College already for four years in a row. And every year Holding TITAN-2 has acted as an active supporter and patron of this competition created to enhance the prestige of working profession and strengthen the status of vocational education among the youth and students.
This year, the title of the best electrician was contested by seven students from educational institutions of the region: from vocational colleges in Volkhov, Vyborg, Kirishi, Lodeynoye Pole, Slantsev, Sosnovy Bor and Tikhvin. The jury was made up of the education committee of Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad NPP and TITAN-2, as well as college teachers.
Traditionally, the competition is divided into two round. First, this year the contestants had to assemble a wiring diagram of bidirectional electric motor starter with sound and visual alarms, and also detect faults in the layout of the motor.
Interestingly, this year for the first time the contest challenges were supported by the interactive technologies. College classrooms were equipped with a video surveillance system, which meant the judges could observe the assembly of competition diagrams in real-time. Afterwards the video recording was posted on the College server.
In the second round the students had a series of computer-based tests, where they had to respond to questions about providing first aid in case of accidents, areas of application of voltage transformers and other questions about electrical engineering, safety engineering and materials science.
This year, the best one at assembling electrical diagrams and the theoretical tasks was a fourth-year student from Tikhvin Industrial Technology College, Oleg Veremeyko. Second place went to a second-year student of the Sosnoby Bor College, Dmitry Pisponen. The third best effort was shown by a student from Kirishi Polytechnic, Stanislav Snetkov.
The winners received special gifts from representatives of TITAN-2: a set of socket wrenches, insulated tools and current measuring pliers. All of these tools will come in useful to the winners in their future careers.