Vice PM of Ukraine Commissions to Ensure Crediting of Field Works
OREANDA-NEWS. April 19, 2013. First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Serhiy Arbuzov has commissioned to facilitate maximal crediting by commercial banks the spring field activities. This was stressed by him during a teleconference dedicated to holding spring field campaign in 2013.
So, according to him, agriculture producers have already received over UAH 4.7 bln of credit resources, which is by UAH 1.3 bln more as compared to the respective period of last year. Nevertheless, S.Arbuzov drew attention that it is only 63% from the need (UAH 7.5 bln).
“That’s why on all the levels it proves necessary to intensify work with commercial banks in the direction of drawing credits, which must be directed, first of all, to the purchase of material and technical resources,” he emphasized.
In this connection, on the results of the teleconference S.Arbuzov has commissioned Finance Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Kolobov, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Ihor Prasolov, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Prysyazhniuk, heads of regional state administrations and head of the Council of Ministers of Crimea to stir up work with commercial banks concerning giving loans to agricultural enterprises for purchasing of material and technical resources to provide the spring field works.
Besides, First Vice Prime Minister commissioned Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Prysyazhniuk and Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Eduard Stavytskyi to elaborate measures directed to saturation of petroleum market with an aim to avoid their artificial deficit or raising prices for fuel in the period of spring field and harvest campaigns.
In the course of meeting the Government member paid attention to the need to stir up cooperation of agriculturalists in the issues of forward purchases of grain of the yield of current year. Implementation of this issue was instructed by First Vice Prime Minister to be ensured by head of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, heads of regional state administrations and State food grain corporation of Ukraine.
In the end First Vice Prime Minister commissioned head of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, heads of regional state administrations and Agrarian Fund of Ukraine to take under personal control implementation by agriculture producers of forward contracts of grain supplies to the Agrarian Fund. According to Serhiy Arbuzov, for now he has already contracted according to the forward purchases over 1 mln tons of grain of the new harvest, which did not exhaust possibilities of the fund concerning crediting of commodity producers.