IRKUT Corporation Announces 2012 Financial Results
OREANDA-NEWS. Revenue of JSC IRKUT Corporation amounted to USD 1,530,855 thousand, net profit – 32,136 thousand USD in 2012.
The decrease in revenue compared to 2011 is primarily due to the later-than-planned signing of the contract with the Indian Ministry of Defence and, therefore, the transfer of the output supply from 2012 to 2013.
The mentioned circumstances also caused the decline of gross profit margin, which, however, amounted to 24%.
Among the positive results of 2012 is the improved funding of concluded contracts, which resulted in the significant positive operational flow in the amount of 565,144 thousand USD against the operational outflow of 188,232 thousand USD in 2011.
The positive operational flow allowed full funding of the significant investment activities related to the MC-21 project realization in the amount of 170,141 thousand USD (USD 76,148 thousand in 2011) and to reduce the debt by 290,427 thousand USD against its increase in 2011 to 232,591 thousand USD . The net debt of IRKUT Corporation amounted to 528,347 thousand USD , which is 34% lower than the net debt in 2011.
The order book of IRKUT Corporation amounted to about 9 bln USD .
Thus, despite the slight decline of revenue in 2012, JSC IRKUT Corporation could maintain and even improve its financial stability.