OREANDA-NEWS. April 08, 2013. According to "2012 Deliveries: Top Five Airlines by value and region" study published in Airline Business Journal, Aeroflot is number 4 in Europe among air companies with the largest aircraft deliveries in 2012.

Aeroflot fleet growth and development strategy proved its effectiveness by securing the air company’s place in this list of Top-5 airlines in Europe. As it stated in the journal, in 2012 Aeroflot received 12 foreign-made airplanes with the value of more than 1 bln. USD. The total quantity of the aircraft to join the Aeroflot fleet in 2012 is 18 airplanes.

This significant fleet growth enabled Aeroflot to dramatically increase its traffic capacity. According to Airline Business, in 2012 Aeroflot demonstrated the highest in Europe traffic capacity growth. In 2012 Available Seat Kilometres (ASK) totaled to 64.85 billion (almost 20 % higher than in 2011), which provided Aeroflot with a place in Top-5 of European airlines with the largest traffic capacity. This indicator (seats available multiplied by a distance flown) serves as the analogue of production capacity in aviation.

All Aeroflot fleet newcomers are brand new aircraft delivered directly from manufacturing plants, forming one of the most modern and youngest fleets in Europe.

Since the beginning of 2013 Aeroflot has been receiving long-haul Boeing 777-300 ER’s, the largest twin-engine jet airliners in the world. Currently Aeroflot has 3 B777-300ER aircraft with three classes of service. This type of aircraft significantly strengthens Aeroflot long-haul transport capacities and contributes greatly to the improvement of the on-board service, meeting the growing demand of the air carrier’s customers. In Q2 2013 Aeroflot will receive one more B777-300ER.

The backbone of Aeroflot fleet formed by modern medium-range A320 family jets is growing rapidly as well. Nowadays there are 82 A320 family aircraft in Aeroflot with an average airplane age of 5 years. By the end of Q2 2013 the air company expects to receive 5 more A320’s.

The effective fleet growth and development strategy is a main key of Aeroflot success, enabling the air company to provide high flight safety, improve the onboard service and open new markets.