CSCL Announces 2012 Annual Results
OREANDA-NEWS. China shipping Container Liners Co., Ltd (CSCL) announced the 2012 Annual results on 27th Mar. 2013, which is concerned by all parties. The executive director Mr.Li ShaodeЈ¬ the manage director, Mr. Zhao Hongzhou , CFO Mr. Zhang Mingwen ,the directorate secretary Mr. Ye Yumang and other management attended the analyst briefing and the results presentation held in the Island Shangri ЁC La Hotel on 27th Mar. 2013. About 100 fund managers and investing analysts from large securities attended the analyst breifing. Nearly 20 media delegates from local, PRC and foreign countries located in Hong Kong attended the press releasing.
Chairman of Board Li Shaode reviewed the achievements CSCL made in the year 2012. He also previewed the future of CSCL in year 2013. Mr. Li answered in details with Directing GM Mr.Zhao Hongzhou, CFO Mr.Zhangmingwen the questions on the trend of international shipping markets of container lines, demand, freights ,the shipping capacity and other concerns.
In 2012 .CSCL kept up with market changes and based on analysis of market conditions, grasped opportunities arising from volatile markets and flexibly adapted a series of measures to enhance efficiency, including optimization of our container vessel fleet structure, refinement management on cost control, the Ў°Large CooperationЎ± strategy, and so on. For the year 2012, CSCLЎЇs revenue was RMB32,551,070,000, representing an increase of 15% compared with 2011. Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company was RMB524,921,000, and basic profit per share was RMB0.045.
Confronting a constantly evolving and developing container shipping market, CSCL will leverage on its healthy financial position to further enhance comprehensive competitiveness and service quality, adapt to new situations, meet new challenges and seek new opportunities for development.
The capital market paid close attention to the presentation meeting. The reaction was satisfactory, which means the meeting was a success.