PARK Will BecomeSite for Strengthening of Russian-German Cooperation
OREANDA-NEWS. March 26, 2013. Visit of Saxonian delegation to Omsk region continued in regional government. The head of federal project “PARK”, Chairman of the Board of CJSC “GC “Titan” Mikhail Sutyaginsky participated in discussion of prospects for cooperation of the two regions.
A meeting of General Consul of FRG in Novosibirsk and Deputies of Saxonian Landtag with the Governor Viktor Nazarov occurred today in the Government of Omsk region. The Omsk party was also represented by the Deputy of Legislative Assembly Vladimir Varnavsky, Minister of Economy Alexander Trippel and Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC “GC “Titan” Mikhail Sutyaginsky.
The central topic of discussion was development of cooperation in political, economical and cultural spheres.
“The idea of close cooperation between Omsk region and Saxony was given by Mikhail Sutyaginsky and Sebastian Gemkov during Russian-German Feedstock Forum. Our countries are connected by cooperation which is aimed at modernization. We think that cluster policy realized in Omsk region is an essential part of this cooperation”, - noted the President of Saxonian Landtag Mattias Roessler.
Viktor Nazarov expressed his gratefulness to the entrepreneurs for establishing of liaisons which become the basis for further interaction between the two regions in various spheres, and especially he mentioned Mikhail Sutyaginsky and Sebastian Gemkov.
“It will be interesting for you to see what Mikhail Sutyaginsky is doing today. I think it will be a nice detail for the program of the visit”, - stressed the Governor addressing the representatives of Saxonian delegation.
Visit to production sites of the project “PARK” and presentation of cluster concept is planned for the second half of the day.
Let us mention that the German guests will be on Omsk soil till March 1. The next step in strengthening of international contacts will be VI Russian-German Feedstock Conference, in which project “PARK: Industrial-Agricultural Regional Clusters” will traditionally participate.