Results of Activity in Civil Protection Summarized at Yuzhnaya CHP
OREANDA-NEWS. February 20, 2013 at Yuzhnaya CHP results of activity of JSC TGC-1 in the field of civil defense and emergency prevention in 2012 were summarized.
Among the participants of educational and methodical meeting were the company’s directors and heads of departments , the representatives of the North-West Regional Emergency Center of Russia, EMERCOM of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, as well as the administration of the Frunzensky district.
The localization and liquidation of oil spills on the station took place. According to legend depressurization of tank occurred due to the destruction of the lower steel structure. In the result of accident 15,500 tons of oil were spilled. Within two hours of real time actions of CHP personnel and rescue units were worked out as if it was the first, fifth and sixth day of a disaster. Fire was localized.