OREANDA-NEWS. Banco Bradesco S.A. informs its shareholders, clients and the market in general that all the matters examined at the Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meeting were approved as follows:

At the Special Shareholders’ Meeting:

I) increase the capital stock in BRL,00, increasing it to BRL,00, by means of capitalization of part of the balance of the “Profit Reserves – Statutory Reserve” account, pursuant to the provisions of Article 169 of Law # 6,404/76, with 10% bonus shares, conferring to the Company’s shareholders, free of charge, 1 (one) new share for each 10 (ten) shares of the same type held thereby on the record date, to be informed to the Market after the approval of the respective process by the Central Bank of Brazil.

II) partially amend the Bylaws, as follows: in the “caput” of Article 6; in Article 7, including Paragraph Three; in the “caput” and Paragraph Two of Article 12; in the Articles 18, 19 and 21, as well as the deletion of Articles.

At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting:

1. the Financial Statements regarding the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2012, after they have acknowledged the Management and the Independent Auditors’ Report, the Fiscal Council’s Report, and the Summary of the Audit Committee’s Report.

2. the Board of Directors’ proposal to:

a) the allocation of the net income for the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2012, in the amount of BRL 11,381,244,459.27, as follows: BRL 569,062,222.96 to the “Profit Reserves – Legal Reserve” account; BRL 6,917,183,910.55 to the “Profit Reserves – Statutory Reserve” account; and BRL 3,894,998,325.76 for the payment of interest on shareholders’ equity and dividends, which have already been paid;

b) ratification of the mentioned amount of interest on shareholders’ equity and dividends distributed in advance, taking into account that a new distribution of interest on shareholders’ equity/dividends related to the year 2012 was not be proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting;

3. the Controlling Shareholders’ proposals to:

a) the reelection of the Board of Directors’ Members, Messrs. Lazaro de Mello Brandao, Antonio Bornia, Mario da Silveira Teixeira Junior, JJSC Aguiar Alvarez, Ms. Denise Aguiar Alvarez, and Messrs. Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi, Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Guilherme and Milton Matsumoto;

b) the election of the Fiscal Council’s members, Messrs. Nelson Lopes de Oliveira, JJSC Carlos de Oliveira and Domingos Aparecido Maia – Sitting Members; Jorge Tadeu Pinto de Figueiredo, Renaud Roberto Teixeira and JJSC Batistela Biazon – Deputy Members, as well as the establishment of the individual monthly compensation in the amount of BRL 12,000.00 to the Sitting Members of the mentioned Body.

4. the Board of Directors’ proposal to establish the amount for the Management Compensation (fixed fees and eventual variable compensation) for the fiscal year 2013, in the annual global amount of up to BRL 250,000,000.00, and to support the Management’s Open Complementary Pension Plans, in the amount of up to BRL 250,000,000.00.

It also announces, according to the provisions of Paragraph Three of Article 289 of Law #6,404/76, that the publications set forth in law will be published in the newspapers “Diario Oficial do Estado de Sao Paulo” and “Valor Economico”.

According to the resolution made, on this date, the Bank’s Board of Directors, after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that elected it, chose Mr. Lazaro de Mello Brandao to be the Chairman and, to be the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Antonio Bornia.