Customers of MOESK Want Capacity
OREANDA-NEWS. March 12, 2013. For the first month of 2013 a division of the field service department of branch of JSC “MOESK” – “Western Electric Grids” got 1,738 applications for the grid connection (TC). The consumers pretend to the capacity, being equal to 76 MVA. As compared to the similar period of the past year, when 387 applications were received, the growth amounted to 4,5 times.
Positive changes to simplify a TC procedure began in the second half of 2012 and were judged on their merits by people who had wished to connect to the electric grids of JSC “MOESK”. Now program “5 steps for 3 visits” makes it possible to decrease essentially the number of face-to-face visits by the consumers of the Company’s customer offices and reduces essentially the time of the documents issue after an application filing till the moment of a permit receipt for the grid connection (from 30 to 15 days, for the asked capacity of 15 kW).
Organization of the internal work of the customer offices has also changed for the better. For example, an introduction and strict observance of the Queuing system makes it possible for their employees to receive applicants in an amiable setting, when a negative moral coercion on the customers is excluded, during a waiting period.
It worth saying, that the positive changes with regard to the services rendering on part of MOESK have not stayed unnoticed by would-be consumers. A stable growth of grateful feedback has been traced in the customer offices’ guest books.
“I would like to express a gratitude to the employees of Volokolamsk DZ (distribution zone), in particular, to Deputy Head of the grid connection management of the Western Electric Grids Alexey Kuznetsov and to key specialist Olga Anisimova for the operational efficiency, competence, professional approach to the official functions performing.… While solving the issues with regard to the applications filing for the grid connection, the administrative managerial personnel of the DZ and of the branch acts as one team”, – specifies Elena Kalmykova in her speech – a dweller of a rural settlement Ramenskoye of Shakhovsky district.
– Opinions of the consumers on the customer offices’ work are very important for us. By them one can judge, how competently and timely the grid connection services are rendered. When people say “Thanks” one understands, that we are on the right direction. I dare say it’s the main criterion to assess our work, – believes Roman Pekurov, Deputy Head of the grid connections’ management of the Western Electric Grids.