OREANDA-NEWS.  March 12, 2013. In the current year branch of JSC “MOESK” – Moscow Cable Grids within the framework of Program of research and development works, plans to carry out scientific and research works, during which perspectives of change of operation mode of grounded neutral in megapolis’ grids with the voltage of 6-20 kV will be examined. Department of cable grids of Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow is determined as the executor of scientific research. Expenses for research execution will amount to approximately RUR mln 10.

“The research is aimed at increasing of quality of electric power and reliability of work of electric grids, - First Deputy Chief Engineer of Moscow Cable Grids Viktoria Vostrosablina points out. – Gained results will be further used in our own production”.

At the moment different means of grounding of neutral of medium voltage grids are used in MCG: either via Peterson coil (6-10 kV), or via low-ohmic resistor (20 kV). But their list can be extended.

Within the framework of scientific and theoretical stage of research specialists of the branch examined carefully advantages and disadvantages of different neutral grounding modes taking into account diagram of power supply of consumers, availability of automatic transfer switch, cost of works. Next in turn is applied research stage. On the ground of received data technical and economic assessment of choice of operation mode of grounded neutral will be worked out in subdivisions of MCG.