Zaporizhstal Deployed System of Energy Management ISO 50001:2011
OREANDA-NEWS. Integrated Iron and Steel works “Zaporizhstal” successfully passed the procedure of the precertification audit, which was held by the international company “Bureau Veritas”. The Audit confirmed the readiness of the enterprise to carry out the certification of the system of energy management according the international standard ISO 50001:2011 as a part of functional integrated system of the quality man-agement, energy efficiency, welfare and safety and ecology.
Deploying a system of the energy management at the Integrated Iron and Steel works “Zaporizhstal” related to improve-ment of effectiveness of the plant’s work, holding set of measures to define the energy losses, development and delivery of output in energy saving. Accomplishment of the comprehensive program allowed to reduce in 2012 the index of the energy output ratio the produced steel product for 3 % (0,68 GJ/t) in comparison with 2011. However, the basic reduce was achieved during the second half of the year 2012 — 5,1% (1,16 GJ/t) in comparison with the first part of the year 2011.
Moreover, Integrated Iron and Steel Works “Zaporizhstal” starting from the August 2012 had implemented the track of the effective arrangements on economy of the natural gas in steelmaking. So, on the account of increase of the part of the cast iron while steelmaking, and the institutional arrangements, managed to reduce the consumption of the natural gas for 2,79 m3/t, that helped to save about 4 mln. м3 of the natural gas.
“Energy efficiency of the manufacture is the basis of the competitive ability of any iron and steel plant”, — emphasized the General Director of the Integrated Iron and Steel Works Steel “Zaporizhstal” Rostislav Shurma. — “In our work we lay stress on adoption of energy- efficient technologies, by this, we not only reduce our expenses, but also we save the valuable natural gas, the most expensive resource for Ukraine.”
We remind that, in November 2012 Integrated Iron and Steel works “Zaporizhstal” finished the realization of the project of pulverized coal injection plant and put in force bulk coal storage, what allows the enterprise to turn down from consumption of the natural gas more than 300 m3 per year.