MOESK Forum Unites Key Participants of Grid Connection Process
OREANDA-NEWS. In the Large Hall of informational agency RIA “Novosti” Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK) carried out forum “Improvement of grid connections in Moscow Region. Results and perspectives”. Arrangement was held with the aim to attract attention of business-community to changes in the process of grid connection, both in the system of legislative initiatives and in practical activity of electric grid companies.
Forum united key participants of process of grid connection and access to power infrastructure in Moscow Region.
Keynote speakers on different spheres of responsibility for grid connection spoke at the first strategic session. Difficulty of procedure of connection to electric grids is one of the most serious problems of business development in our country. To solve the acute problem “road map” “Increase of power infrastructure accessibility”, which includes list of certain arrangements on simplification and enhancement of process of consumers connection to electric grids, was approved by Order of the Government of RF # 1144-r in June of 2012.
JSC “MOESK” – is one of the largest distribution electric grid companies of Russia, clients of which is more than 17 million of electric power consumers in Moscow and Moscow Region, has been introducing new standards of grid connection to electric grids and work with clients from the third quarter of the last year. Process of connection to electric grids became transparent and accessible to consumers: documents consideration terms are reduced, number of attendances by clients to the Company’s offices are decreased, interactive services are introduced, web-portal on grid connection is acting on the Company’s web-page. Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on issues of economic policy Andrey Sharonov estimated significance of improvement of process of grid connection to electric grids for improvement of investment climate in Moscow. “Situation in the capital in this sphere changes to better. Government, society, electric grid companies by joint efforts try to secure positive results, make them long-term and stable”, – he pointed out. Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin thinks that such integrated result is achieved owing to renewed management of the Company, very powerful federal trend, as well as to objectives, which are put by Ministry of Energy of RF, Government of Moscow and Moscow Region.
Maya Shoueiri, leader of the group on indicator “connection to electric grids” of Research Department “Doing Business” of Department of Global Research and Analysis of Group of World Bank told about methodology and results of research of procedure of connection to electric grids in Russia for the rating Doing Business 2013.
Tat’yana L’vova, Head of Department of Investment Climate Development of Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Enterprise of city of Moscow in her speech acquainted the attendees with particular steps, taken by Government of Moscow to improve position in the rating Doing Business.