Violation of Vehicle Tonnage Limits to Be Fined Tougher in Moldova
OREANDA-NEWS. March 04, 2013. This is stipulated by amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences approved by the government.
The fines will grow from 30 to 50 conventional units for vehicles owned by individuals and from 150 to 200 c.u. for vehicles owned by legal entities if they transport heavy cargo which may lead to destruction of roads. According to the Transport and Road Infrastructure Ministry the amendments are designed to improve the service of roads, namely to raise responsibility of carriers and suppliers of quarry cargo and road-concrete mix.
There are 121 companies in Moldova that are licensed to perform mining operations which area amounted to 2.1 mln tons a year. There are 110 quarries and 43 mines in Moldova. Drivers and owners of heavy vehicles disrespect rules of use or road network.