WB: Achievements in Land Cadastre Are Considerable Success of Ukraine
OREANDA-NEWS. March 01, 2013. The national cadastre system is successfully operating and corresponds to the best world practice. Such a conclusion was drawn by international experts in an official report of the World Bank who maintained a complex check of the newly-introduced cadastre system.
Notably, Qimiao Fan, the World Bank Country Director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova in the commemorative note to the address of the Government of Ukraine and head of the State Agency for Land Resources Serhiy Tymchenko stressed that achievements in the land cadastre are a significant success of Ukraine and will facilitate to the protection of land property rights and improvement of transparency in land resource management. After successful realization of the cadastre project the World Bank has intentions to continue cooperation with the Government of Ukraine in land relations.
A group of Bank’s specialists was surprised with significant volume of the fulfilled activity in the process of introduction of the National cadastre system. In particular, the letter of the World Bank’s leader reads: “A huge amount of work has been fulfilled in the recent several months for preparation of an electronic cadastre system and its introducing in unprecedented for the mentioned region pace. In less than five months a digital archive has been created (including scanning and indexing of 16.8 million of public acts and introduction of procedures of scanning for the incoming documents). The reached results are a perfect example for the region and on the international scale. The group of Bank’s specialists encourages the State Agency for Land Resources to carry out experience exchange with the countries all around the world”.
On the official results of checks of the process of creating of the State Land Cadastre in Ukraine a mission of the World Bank working from February 11 till 20, 2013 ascertains that the electronic cadastre system has started functioning successfully, a series of constructive peculiarities were introduced and correspond to the best world practice.
All intermediate showings of effectiveness for mapping activities have been completely fulfilled and overfulfilled. Apart from that, in the frames of the Project there were completed 600 000 square meters of contemporary maps determined by the target showing which embraces practically 100% of Ukraine’s territory. Cartography activities in the frames of the Project have been fulfilled in 24 regions, the Crimean AR and Kyiv and Sevastopol and completely provided Ukraine with basic maps of single quality for the first time after acquiring independence: modern aerial photos, modern digital orthophotomaps in the corresponding large scale and digital cadastral index maps.