OREANDA-NEWS. February 28, 2013. One third of all payments for VAT compensation, which are carried out automatically, oriented in enterprises with foreign capital. In January this category of taxpayers received 552.9 million hryvnia in automatic mode.

In total for the first month of 2013 266 payers get VAT refund automatically on their bills. The total amount of the consideration is more than 1.6 billion hryvnia.

Recall the number of recipients of automatic compensation since the introduction of the service has grown more than in 11 times. In March 2011, the VAT compensation in automatic mode received only 24 payers, in January of the 2012 year - 236.

Number of users of the service could grow up to five times. Companies, which want to receive a VAT refund automatically, have to complete a number of requirements for this, in particular - to raise wages.