Meeting on Industrial Safety and Labor Protection Held at TATNEFT
OREANDA-NEWS. February 28, 2013. A meeting of the standing commission on labor safety of JSC TATNEFT, its divisions and management companies was held at JSC TATNEFT on the results of 2012 and the guidelines for organizational and technical work in the area of industrial and fire safety, labor protection, production control, prevention of occupational injuries and accidents.
The annual forum was attended by representatives of regulatory bodies: the Volga Department of Rostechnadzor, the Upper Volga Interregional Inspection Division of the Territorial Administration of Rostechnadzor, the State Labor Inspectorate for the Republic of Tatarstan, the Trade Unions Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan, etc.
The event discussed activity results for 2012 and main activity areas of industrial and fire safety, labor protection, production control, prevention of occupational injuries and accidents in 2013.
The keynote speaker was Nail Ibragimov, Deputy General Director for Operations - Chief Engineer of JSC TATNEFT.
The focused work carried out in 2012 to reduce operational risks and improve technical discipline allowed maintaining a low level of occupational injuries. The total injuries rate reduced by more than 3 times and a number of fatal accidents dropped by 2.5 times at TATNEFT Group of Companies for the last 10 years. The rate of injuries in the year under review amounted to 0.25.
The Standing Safety Commissions for labor safety of the Executive Office and the Company's structural divisions carried out systematic work on preventing violations of safety requirements at the facilities.
Agreements and the relevant Regulations of the interaction between JSC TATNEFT and services company for the protection of labor and occupational safety had been concluded to increase the effectiveness of efforts aimed at ensuring the production safety of and further development of relations with service enterprises of the oil sector.
The "Program of JSC TATNEFT in the field of industrial safety and labor protection for 2010-2012" has been implemented. The approved program for 2013-2015 aims at protecting the life and health, as well as improving working conditions for the employees, reducing accidents and essential production risks, increasing equipment operation safety and improving fire safety conditions of the facilities.
Execution of a long-term ecological safety program designed till the year 2015 is underway at TATNEFT. In 2012, 968 wells were equipped with casing cathodic protection, electrochemical protection against internal corrosion and ground corrosion was provided for 1,170 km of oilfield pipelines, almost 950 km of corrosion resistant pipes were manufactured as well as more than 6,000 tons of corrosion inhibitors were produced as part of this program. Anticorrosion coatings were applied to protect inner surface of 44 vertical steel tanks. Capital and maintenance repairs were carried out as 230 stationary oil recovery facilities with a total number of them built in the territory of the Company's operations amounting to about 600.
The work was continued in 2012 on monitoring ambient air and water bodies' condition in the zone of TATNEFT activities. The industrial and sanitary laboratory of "Tatneftegazpererabotka" Administration of JSC TATNEFT performed more than 13,000 air sample analyses.
The chemical and analytical laboratory of UPTZH dlya PPD (Administration of Water Treatment for Reservoir Pressure Maintenance) carried out over 20,000 analyses for contaminants. Chloride and petroleum products content in the rivers of the oil-producing region of the Republic consistently maintained within established limits.
The participants were also offered topical reports and presentations on the meeting subject supplementing the main report.
Representatives of the regulatory authorities appraised the Company's activities in the field of industrial safety, occupational health and the environment.
The event was concluded by rewarding the employees of TATNEFT Group of Companies on the results of work in 2012.